Howard Johnson's Magnetic Drive

There are many websites that offer to give you an accurate magnetic generator review. However, many of these will actually be offering to se...

There are many websites that offer to give you an accurate magnetic generator review. However, many of these will actually be offering to sell you the plans for the machine without providing any support or testimonials. There are also many different claims being made about using such a machine, with some saying that there are big savings to be made in the size of energy bills, and others claiming that it is not going to work.

Howard Johnson's Magnetic Drive

Before you decide whether the plan is right for you, it is important for you to understand some background of the product! The plan which I strongly recommend is the Hojo Motor Manual. Basically, the name of the machine comes from the first letters of the Christian name and surname of the inventor Howard Johnson. In fact, many different solutions are often mooted to energy problems, and especially the rising costs of heating and electricity, and you will often find lots of alternative energy sources claimed that they have the solutions for you, but I can proudly say that none of them work better than the Hojo Motor devices.

AC Generator | The Idea of Free Energy - Overunity: Combination of Vortexes in Ether

Howard Johnson is a Pioneer who "tamed" the power of magnetism. 

It is quite difficult to look into the future. I think we're starting to understand now that doing what we did before won't help us solve our energy problems. Another thing that interests me is that when people talk about solar power, they don't account for cloudy days. This shows what people do when they have an absolute vacuum in their heads. It must always be sunny for this to work.

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Today, with the high cost of energy, it is not difficult to stimulate interest in any alternative that will offer a glimmer of hope or suggest a way out. But in 1942, things were different. It takes a sincere belief so that time is not wasted, money is not wasted. It takes genuine confidence to withstand opposition, especially when I make the results of my work public and have to meet people who respect the status quo.

When I started making magnets, it wasn't necessary. But now we are living in the last days of a dying oil era. Here is what is happening now. I said that when car gasoline costs 50 cents a liter, we can take a shortcut.

Note: Howard Johnson, author of The Unknown World of Magnets. Howard Johnson Generator Review: Magnetic Energy Generator

Years ago, when Howard Johnson built his first rotary engine, he brought it to Huntsville to show me. It was in the '70s. We sat in the kitchen, and I played with his model for two or three hours, and she fascinated me. There's nothing in it except permanent magnets, and as soon as the trolley stands on the rails, it immediately starts moving and makes a characteristic sound. It's roughly done, but it drives and drives along the tracks. She drove with me for two hours, and with nothing but permanent magnets. The torque is so great that despite the failed bearings, this sandwich plate keeps turning. Even with the bearings failing, he put in a permanent magnet and made the disk spin.

Then the question of reality is not asked, the question is how to interpret it. But Johnson knew about the interactive power of magnets. He knew exactly what to do because he had found the scientific basis for assembling a self-propelled magnetic motor containing only permanent magnets.

But I know that before that Nikola Tesla used the method of rotating magnetic fields to create a generator without fuel. Here is the study:


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