Conservation of energy and Magnetic Generator

Magnetic Generator:  AC Generator | The Idea of Free Energy - Overunity: Combination of Vortexes in Ether Learn more:  the law of conservati...

Magnetic Generator: AC Generator | The Idea of Free Energy - Overunity: Combination of Vortexes in Ether

Learn more: the law of conservation of energy and Magnetic Generator

Basically, a magnet generator is powered by magnets. Magnets set on opposing poles will deflect each other. With this premise, if magnets were to be placed in an inner circular wheel, with another group of magnets facing them on an outer wheel, they would be deflecting each other indefinitely. And because there is no friction between the opposing sides, the movement would last a great deal longer. This perpetual motion machine is the pillar of every magnetic generator construction.

Magnetic power generators still have to generate power by creating the flow of electrons, which is accomplished by spooling copper wires around some cylinders in the inner wheel and pairing them up with another set of magnets on the outer one. This creates a typical dynamo setup, which produces electricity through the process of electromagnetism. The electrons can be harnessed in the form of pins in the machine. Pair this with the perpetual motion machine and free, unlimited energy can be yours with a cheap setup and good enough workmanship skills.

Conservation of energy

In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time. This law, first proposed and tested by Émilie du Châtelet,[2][3] means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another. For instance, chemical energy is converted to kinetic energy when a stick of dynamite explodes. If one adds up all forms of energy that were released in the explosion, such as the kinetic energy and potential energy of the pieces, as well as heat and sound, one will get the exact decrease of chemical energy in the combustion of the dynamite.

Classically, conservation of energy was distinct from conservation of mass; however, special relativity showed that mass is related to energy and vice versa by E = mc2, and science now takes the view that mass-energy as a whole is conserved. Theoretically, this implies that any object with mass can itself be converted to pure energy, and vice versa, though this is believed to be possible only under the most extreme of physical conditions, such as likely existed in the universe very shortly after the Big Bang or when black holes emit Hawking radiation.

Conservation of energy can be rigorously proven by Noether's theorem as a consequence of continuous time translation symmetry; that is, from the fact that the laws of physics do not change over time.

A consequence of the law of conservation of energy is that a perpetual motion machine of the first kind cannot exist, that is to say, no system without an external energy supply can deliver an unlimited amount of energy to its surroundings. For systems which do not have time translation symmetry, it may not be possible to define conservation of energy. Examples include curved spacetimes in general relativity or time crystals in condensed matter physics



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