The Legend of the Magnetic Generator

Free Energy Generator - Free Power From Home What's the preferred method to produce your own electricity? Most homeowners turn to wind t...

Free Energy Generator - Free Power From Home

What's the preferred method to produce your own electricity?

Most homeowners turn to wind turbines and solar panels as a free energy generator, but the above-mentioned have many disadvantages. They are confounding to install, pricey to shop for and unworkable in adverse weather. Is there a better way to produce free power?

When compared to common methods, a magnetic motor has several benefits as a free electricity generator.

In contrast to solar panels and wind turbines, you can build a magnetic power generator at home with token mechanical knowledge and very little cash. Everybody with free energy generator plans is able to build one.

Additionally, a magnetic power generator expends less area in the home when compared to wind turbines and solar panels. As an extra benefit, a magnetic motor makes hardly any or zero noise and has no emissions.

A magnetic motor depends on magnetic fields powering a turbine, and that means the weather never influences its operation. Magnetic polarity therein causes constant movement, and they never need external forces to drive such a free power generator.

Homemade AC generator - "Overunity": simple self-powered mode:

So how does a magnetic motor function as a free energy generator?

Demonstration of Overunity and a blueprint for the Fuel-Free AC Generator:

With the ever-increasing cost of electricity bills, you might stop to think: “It would be perfect to have an infinite power generator, so I wouldn't have any more problems and would lower my bills. mine ". While this solution is ideal for the current Brazilian scenario, as it will help us pay the bills at the end of the month, it is unfortunately not a viable alternative from the point of view. physics.

It is not new that people try to build such a mechanism, so the pioneer in this line was the famous 12th-century mathematician Bhaskara. And it will still be done. , but did not have the expected success. But why?

To put it simply and succinctly, an infinite energy generator would not be feasible, since it would satisfy at least one of the two laws of thermodynamics. According to the First Law, we cannot create energy but can only transform it between its different forms. For example, in the engine of your car, there is a conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy, which drives the car's motion. However, there is no way to generate energy "from scratch", i.e. where will this "infinite energy" come from to supply this generator?

The Legend of the Magnetic Generator:

You might say, “Ah, but I saw a YouTube video about a magnetic motor that generates infinite energy!”. However, in reality, these machines are not "infinite energy generators". The principle of operation of these motors is that thanks to the magnets with opposite poles, through magnetic induction, the rotating mechanism will rotate.

However, they are also subject to energy dissipation, such as air resistance. Therefore, it will not be able to generate infinite energy, as suggested by most people on the internet. It will need a motor to replace this lost part, but it will lose its true meaning, since we will be supplying power from another source.

Finally, it should be noted that, since 1775, the Paris Academy of Sciences and the United States Patent Office have not accepted patents for this type of device, which highlights the impossibility of such a device. this project.

We suggest you watch the World User Guide video that explains the secret behind the infinite energy generator. To watch: and

Infinite energy generator: is it possible? What is the truth?

And here is the answer:

In the light of the current economic crises it is no wonder people want to avoid these costs and are looking at green energy options. As opposed to wind and solar generators, the Nikola Tesla free energy generator is inexpensive and easy to build. This is not a popular development with the big power companies since anyone can now use the Tesla Secret handbook to build their on Nikola Tesla free energy generator to benefit from the unlimited energy sources freely available around us.


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